講師 ご挨拶

YUMEHANA Schoolの多才でクリエイティブな講師陣をご紹介します。翻訳、テキストの添削などを担当しております。






I’m MAIHANA, an Ikebana instructor at the YUMEHANA School.  MAIHANA is written ‘茉生花’ in Japanese. ‘茉’ means Jasmine, ‘生’ means life and ‘花’ signifies flower. 
I’d like to share the unique beauty of Japanese Ikebana flower arranging with you. As I learned Ikebana, I became more familiar with flowers and realized that every single one has its own beauty. Through ikebana, you can harmonize with flowers as if you are in nature. I’d love to help enrich your life with Ikebana.

レイン沙亜良(さあら) 英語講師


YUMEHANA School の通訳者を務めているレイン沙亜良と申します。

子供の頃から自然が好きでしたが、生花を学ぶまでは家で植木をうまく育てる事ができませんでした。2015年からYUMEHANA Schoolで通訳をしながら生花を勉強しています。生花を始めてからお花や植物の知識が深くなり、お花が家でも楽しめるようになりました。生け花と言う日本の伝統文化を英語で世界に広めたいと思います。


My name is Sara Rain and I’m a translator and interpreter at the YUMEHANA School of Ikebana.

I’ve always loved being in nature but never had much luck with plants at home, until I discovered ikebana. I’ve been studying ikebana and interpreting for the YUMEHANA school since 2015 and since then my knowledge and love of flowers and plants has deepened profoundly. It’s my wish to share the traditional art of Japanese flower arranging, or ikebana, to an English speaking audience. 

愛 (あい)





My name is Ai and I am an instructor at YUMEHANA School of ikebana.
Since I was small flowers has always been around. I used to play in my grandfather's  garden and enjoy growing some plants. I feel so lucky that I met ikebana because I can enjoy the beauty of colors, shapes and scents of many kinds of flowers. We have beautiful flowers available all year round. Let's enjoy ikebana and appreciate the space we create.











My name is TENKOU and I'm an instructor and editor at the YUMEHANA School. I love so much ikebana, flower, and great nature.It is exciting to take a picture of them.

I'm also an instractor of Yoga, ZUMBA, and therapist. Let's enjoy the Ikebana with us!
